Tag Archives: retarded

UCLA students can be racist, but not straight up retarded

Just a little background on this YouTube sensation

Name: Alexandra Wallace
School: UCLA
Major: Political Science
IQ: somewhere between a rock and a cactus

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Arizona Senate Bill 1070 on Immigration: A Step in the Right Direction

Why are people so pissed off about the state of Arizona taking a hard stance in enhancing and enforcing an existing federal law?  Before all of you democrats start calling me a republican, please refer to my article about Religion.

This is a step in the right direction, not in the sense that the bill is bringing something new to the table, but that the bill is just reminding us to “do what we say and say what we do”.
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Marriage, it’s a choice

I have wanted to write about marriage for a while so what better time to do it than when Tiger Woods is all over the news?

Let’s set the foundation.  Marriage is an institution promoted by governments to not only collect income tax from the profits generated in all the cost involved in the wedding, but also promote the idea of “family” to create stability and sustain population.  These are efforts to ensure the government has enough revenue to be self sustaining.  For those reasons, the government created more than 1,000 legal rights for married couples to promote the behavior of getting married. (refer to my other posts for other examples of where the government changes behavior through legislation)
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Religion, REALLY?

Now you may think I am here trying to convince people to sign up for atheism, but in all honesty, NO.  First of all, advocating atheism would be semi-hypocritical because I will be trying to persuade people to believe in my understanding of the world, which is that there is no god, deity, or supreme being.  Secondly, I acknowledge that religion obviously serves a purpose because every civilization in the world developed its own religion ranging from sun god and dragons to Jesus and Buddha.  Religion is basically comfort food for the people who need to rationalize problems in their lives in order to overcome them emotionally.  Finally, it is less that I support religious freedom, but more that I DON’T CARE what you believe in.
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The Duggars

My coworker recently introduced me to a reality TV series called “18 Kids and Counting”.  Yes, that’s not a typo, it does say EIGHTEEN.  Forget Jon and Kate plus 8.  Even the infamous Octomom has ONLY 14 children.  They have nothing on the Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.  This freak of nature family lives in Tonitown, Arkansas.
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