Tag Archives: behavior

Marriage, it’s a choice

I have wanted to write about marriage for a while so what better time to do it than when Tiger Woods is all over the news?

Let’s set the foundation.  Marriage is an institution promoted by governments to not only collect income tax from the profits generated in all the cost involved in the wedding, but also promote the idea of “family” to create stability and sustain population.  These are efforts to ensure the government has enough revenue to be self sustaining.  For those reasons, the government created more than 1,000 legal rights for married couples to promote the behavior of getting married. (refer to my other posts for other examples of where the government changes behavior through legislation)
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Maternity Leave – California Family Rights Act (CFRA) and Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Well, before we get in too deep, this article is only going to cover the “maternity” aspect of these two regulations, not the “health condition” aspect.  For those of you outside of California, CFRA is basically the California edition of the Federal FMLA so for the purposes of this article, I am only going to be discussing the common aspect of the regulation: employees have the right to be on unpaid leave for up to 12 work-weeks during any 12-months period and the employers MUST grant the leave.  This means the employer must allow the employee to return to the same or equal position when the employee returns to work within 12 workweeks.
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